DUI: Its Lasting Effects on Your Wallet and Driving Record

Knowing defensive driving is such an important skill to have under your belt, after all who is not concerned about safety. A person can never predict the future and it is impossible to know what other drivers have done around you, therefore it is of tremendous importance to drive defensively. The ultimate defensive driving techniques are those that are implemented every time a driver gets into the drivers seat. Being a safe driver is the most important key to success behind the wheel.
Alcohol abuse can be costly, not only for those who engage in alcoholism, but also for people around them. When a person gets caught drinking while under the influence (D.U.I) the effects do not just occur to their driving history and record, but their pockets. Take into consideration that when getting caught with a D.U.I the first punishment regarding money is fines. Then, calculate that car insurance is also going to rise based upon the new record of your driving. Not only are those costs high, but then add up towing of the vehicle and potentially money to pay bail. There is no reducing the cost of getting behind the wheel while drunk. It has costly effects no matter how one chooses to look at the situation. Reducing the cost of these consequences is easy, simply do not drive while intoxicated.
There are a plethora of fatalities due to drinking and driving each year, in the tens of thousands. The statistics from just three years ago (2010), show that approximately ten thousand people die from driving while intoxicated in just that year. The risk of driving intoxicated never outweighs the benefits.
If a person is engaging in an activity that could possibly result in death, they need to come to the realization that it’s a stupid mistake to make. It also can lead to hurting another and with that comes immense guilt and even time behind bars.
All of these harmful consequences and the inability to control others is why it’s a good idea to take part in the training and education from Ultimate Defensive Driving. Here, skills are taught to keep individuals and companies safe while on the road with safe driver techniques. While it’s impossible to keep the fellow driver from alcohol abuse while on the road, there are skills that can better prepare you for when these situations arise. By understanding these techniques, the risk of fatalities and death can be decreased. Defensive driving is an invaluable skill to master.
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