Learn How To Drive Defensively, Before It’s Too Late

If you look at the rate of automotive fatalities may make you wince, but seeing the reality in numbers can be sobering. In the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics for 2010, over
17,000 people died in passenger cars alone. Death occurred in over 20,000 people driving light and large trucks, and over 4,500 people died on motorcycles. But even those looking at statistics such as these won’t take the time to consider a defensive driving course.
According to the NHTSA, most crashes could have been prevented if just a few more feet were provided between vehicles. That means possibly two more seconds of time. Unfortunately, too many crashes and fatalities have occurred from negligent drivers, irresponsible or immature in awareness while driving. Too many people drive while intoxicated or while texting or talking on their cell phones. This can result in injuries and fatalities both to self and others.
Taking a defensive driving course will help you prevent the possible death of another, and at the very least prevent a crash. You can also reduce your liability, preventing what might have been a fatality to just a scrape. Many auto insurances provide liability discounts with certification of defensive courses, thus reducing cost in the long run. You will learn how to see situations in traffic that are dangerous. This will keep you from either creating one yourself and to avoid situations by either slowing your vehicle down or in some cases pulling over.
Too many people think they are good enough drivers. But in order to be a truly safe driver, it may help to learn how to eliminate distractions, both inside the vehicle as well as outside. Learning not just road etiquette but how to be aware while you are driving, and not just on automatic pilot all the time, can help you save a life. At the very least, you will become a truly safe driver.
At Ultimate Defensive Driving, we provide state approved driving courses, both behind the wheel and in the classroom with qualified licensed instructors. We can provide you with Ultimate Defensive Driving knowledge that you can take with you and use for the rest of your life.
Too many drivers, even and especially people who drive for their livelihood, such as delivery drivers, movers, truck drivers and others, are too optimistic of their driving attention and skills. Increase the safety of your driving by even just a fraction of a second may save a life.
Think of it this way – knowing how to drive safely and defensively will save you money and time, reducing cost of not just your pocketbook in the event of a crash, but also perhaps a life.
Contact us today for more information.
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